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Entrepreneur and tax audit


If you have your company, then tax returns are due. The tax office can have reasons to audit your company, do you need to be worried about such an audit?

This you can answer yourself best. We always have the policy to keep a strict record of your bookkeeping and we assist you in the set up and continuance of the bookkeeping. Maybe you are more an entrepreneur than a bookkeeper, bookkeeping is part of the decision of becoming an entrepreneur.

The tax office visits starting entrepreneurs within a couple of month. The tax office call this a service, but most clients have almost a heart attack. But it is indeed a service, by visiting you early in your start, so if some tax filing is done incorrect or not, the consequences are not that huge yet.

However, if you get an audit while already trading for some years, this is a serious audit. First thing you do when the audit is announced is contacting your tax advisor. Your tax advisor will assist you. Should the tax office insist on you answering questions, questions you would have preferred to discuss with your tax advisor first, then you cannot be forced to answer. This is one of the human rights that you do not need to contribute to your own conviction. However, not answering at all will also not help your situation. Please have yourself assisted by an expert.

Once you had an audit, you will have the experience that an audit is not something that you desire, how well it went. Please keep track of your bookkeeping, file in time and contact an expert to assist you with the bookkeeping.


Gouden Luca Prize 2024 - Exact Bookkeeping award!

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